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NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 195079892035) ~ ISRAEL ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2020 Released: 2021

This is the fourth album by Israeli Jazz pianist / composer Ari ErevFind albums by this artist, recorded with a core trio which includes bassist Assaf HakimiFind albums by this artist and Slovenian (resident in Israel) drummer Gasper BertonceljFind albums by this artist. Guest musicians include saxophonists Yuval CohenFind albums by this artist, flautist Hadar NoibergFind albums by this artist and percussionist Gilad DobreckyFind albums by this artist. The album presents thirteen tracks, eight of which are original compositions by Erev and five are arrangements of tunes by other composers.

The music is, as always, first and foremost beautifully melodic, with strong rhythmic presence, all well within the mainstream Jazz idiom. Erev is a wonderful songweaver and his original melodies all sound like “instant” standards, even if heard for the first time.

The rhythm section and guests all perform amicably of course, as expected from highly professional musicians, but personally Erev’s piano playing remains the focus of the album, and it never disappoints. His magic touch on the keyboard is pure delight and I have never enough of listening to him, with glimpses of Bill EvansFind albums by this artist lurking from above.

Erev is not looking for any experimentation here, simply trying to deliver a highly melodic, pleasant and straight to the heart message of good time, which often gets forgotten in contemporary Jazz.

This album is another solid addition to Erev’s recorded legacy, and a fine portrait of the diversity of Israeli Jazz, which sadly remains almost completely anonymous outside of the country’s borders. Highly recommended, as always, and hopefully we won’t have to wait another five years for the next one.
Updated: 14/05/2021Posted: 14/05/2021CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

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