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WHYPLAYJAZZ 030 (Barcode: 4250459990902) ~ GERMANY ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2015 Released: 2016

This is the sixth album by the German Avant-Garde trio, which exists since 2003, formerly known as Hyperactive KidFind albums by this artist, which consists of saxophonist Philipp GropperFind albums by this artist, guitarist Ronny GraupeFind albums by this artist and drummer Christian LillingerFind albums by this artist. The album presents eleven original pieces, four each by Gropper and Graupe and three by Lillinger.

The trio decided to drop the Hyperactive Kid moniker and open a new chapter of their creative path, with an immediate result of going even further away from the conventional musical world into extreme Avant-Garde, which completely beats classification. One can hardly hear any melody, cohesive continuum or structural development in the trio´s music, only a sequence of sounds produced by the musicians, who interact which each other at times but soon seem to venture into individual explorations. The thin line between freedom and havoc can be defined here individually by every listener, as the music obviously refuses to set any boundaries itself.

It is impossible to express any judgmental statement about such music simply for the luck of conventional criteria, which could be applied. Therefore the only reference should remain on the emotional level, basically concerning the fact if this music touches the listener at all, and if so, how profoundly. As a result my opinion in this case is truly irrelevant to other listeners, as everyone will be facing it completely differently on their own. One can only admire the consistence and the artistic courage displayed by these three still quite young musicians, who refuse to give up their individuality and pursue a path less traveled.

This album is the thirtieth release on the extraordinary independent German WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, run and owned by Roland SchulzFind albums by this artist, which sets an example of great taste and artistic courage since 2005. It is thanks to people like Schulz that European Jazz still manages to discover new territory day after day. Hats off!
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 19/09/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

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