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WHYPLAYJAZZ 024 (Barcode: 4050486942987) ~ AUSTRIA ~ Avant-Garde Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2015

This is a solo piano album by the Austrian pianist / composer Philip ZoubekFind albums by this artist, performed on prepared piano, i.e. a piano that produces sounds which are not normally heard when a piano is played, achieved by putting different stuff inside the instrument on the strings and hammers. The album presents eight original compositions, all by Zoubek.

Zoubek manages to create a plethora of wonderfully weird sounds, which are then weaved into tapestries of sound, gently flowing in the time / space continuum, like chimes in a gentle breeze. Although completely devoid of melodic or harmonic structure, this music, or collection of sounds, is a manifestation of the Artist´s vision at the particular moment of creation.

These Avant-Garde sound vistas are beautifully non-offensive and non-aggressive, which works in favor of the relationship between the aesthetic content and the potential listener. When faced by such gentle and civil manifestation of sound, an open minded listener is much more open to spare his attention to this offering than to a barrage of angry notes, which brings on a defensive mechanism and closure.

This album is probably way too strange for most music connoisseurs, but honestly it deserves to be heard as it could be able to communicate with a much wider audience that one might expect. I personally had great fun listening to it, although I might understand how this might be rejected by others.

Since air is the medium, in which sound travels before it reaches our ears, it becomes in fact an integral part of the sound phenomenon, and as such deserves to serve as this album´s title.

This is another bold release by the wonderful WhyPlayJazzFind albums on this label label, which emerges as one of the most significant sources of excellent New Music in the last few years, and which deserves to be watched closely by fearless music lovers.
Updated: 12/04/2019Posted: 14/06/2016CD 1 Mini-Sleeve Recommend To A Friend

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