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CM 1023 (Barcode: 5904259354417) ~ POLAND ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2014 Released: 2014

This is the fourth album by Polish Jazz ensemble New BoneFind albums by this artist, led by trumpeter Tomasz KudykFind albums by this artist and also including bassist Maciej AdamczakFind albums by this artist, who has been with the ensemble from day one, excellent young drummer Dawid FortunaFind albums by this artist, who played also on their previous album and two new members: saxophonist Bartlomiej PrucnalFind albums by this artist (Prucnal and Fortuna are also members of the NSI QuartetFind albums by this artist) and the fabulous pianist Dominik WaniaFind albums by this artist, one of the biggest stars on the polish scene at the moment.

The album presents seven new arrangements of film music written by two Polish (of Jewish origin) and later American composers: Henryk WarsFind albums by this artist and Bronislaw KaperFind albums by this artist. The arrangements are all kept in the middle of the road mainstream Jazz, making sure nobody is offended but also providing very little intellectual or aesthetic reward to the listener. Although pleasant on the ear and sweetly melodic, this music is simply forgotten as soon as it stops playing.

Of course there are some excellent players involved in making this music, so it has its moments. Wania couldn´t be boring even if he tried very hard and his contributions are splendid, but by far not enough to save this album from its blunders. Prucnal doesn´t get an opportunity to show his chops until the fifth track, by which time I was already yawning. Hiring great musicians to play on an album always presents the problem that their performances stand out even more dramatically. Definitely not my cup of tea…
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