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NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 881034775023) ~ ISRAEL ~ Classic Rock

Recorded: 2011 Released: 2011

This is the debut release by Israeli singer / songwriter Taly Noy-MeirFind albums by this artist. The EP contains five original songs, with English lyrics, which she sings accompanied by guitarist Amit YitzhakFind albums by this artist, keyboardist Adam PeriFind albums by this artist, cellist Maya BelsizmanFind albums by this artist, bassist Adam Ben-EzraFind albums by this artist and drummer Karen TeperbergFind albums by this artist. Considering the fact that I get dozens of new releases every week, most of which find their way to the waste basket almost immediately, the fact that this one passed my initial selection is already remarkable, but this is just the beginning of the story. The fact is that this EP is one of the best pieces of new Israeli music I´ve heard in a long while. Everything about it: the quality of the songs, the intelligent lyrics, the way Taly performs them, the excellent arrangements and formidable instrumental performances, production, sound and recording quality - all the above are simply superb. It is quite difficult to pinpoint Taly´s music exactly, as she combines genres quite freely. There are shades of indie Rock, some Country, a tinge of Jazz and other bits and pieces, but they work together perfectly, creating a unique and fresh musical experience, which is something quite rare these days. The music rocks, yet its romantic and heartfelt at the same time, and Taly´s warm and seductive voice is perfectly suited to this music. In short this is first class music, which makes you immediately ask for more, which I hope will follow soon in the form of a full album. In the liner notes Taly ask her fans to buy this EP, which will enable her to continue recording her music – all I can do is to ask everybody to join this effort, as she´s much to talented to be ignored!
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