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NOT ON LABEL (Barcode: 094922849564) ~ ISRAEL ~ Jazz

Recorded: 2007 Released: 2008

1st album by Israeli Jazz pianist / composer Ari ErevFind albums by this artist. The title is most appropriate, as Ari has been playing and composing for quite a while and it’s about time for us to enjoy the fruits of his labor. The album presents him in a piano trio setting (my favorite Jazz format) with Israeli veterans Yorai OronFind albums by this artist on bass and Gideon PasahovFind albums by this artist on drums. Of the thirteen tunes played six are original compositions, five are standards (two of them not surprisingly by Bill Evans) and the remaining two are his interpretations of Israeli evergreens by Shalom HanochFind albums by this artist and Nurit HirshFind albums by this artist. It’s pretty obvious, from the very first few chords on this album, that Ari is deeply inspired by the piano work of Bill EvansFind albums by this artist, with Evans’ spirit hovering over his shoulder at all times. The choice of material, the delicate touch, the intrinsic melancholy are all signatures of the great Master. Of course Ari manages carefully to avoid the trap of becoming an Evans impersonator, and his own personal approach is strong enough to indicate his own input. Overall this is a splendid album, quiet and introversive, full of beauty and romance. Considering the fact that this is a first of its kind recording in Israeli Jazz, I can only congratulate him for this wonderful gift to our country’s cultural legacy and Jazz achievements. Most warmly recommended!
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